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John Tennyson - Online Memorial Website

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John Tennyson
Born in Illinois
61 years
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Darren Cuttill
I will forever remember the jingling of his keys in his pocket as he walked the floor at Lowe's. You always knew when he was getting close. Many years ago, guys in Lawn and Garden would shout "Who??!!" and in return he would respond the same. J.T. almost always seemed to greet you with a salute or a sly smile that resulted in a little laughter. I worked around him for several years and worked with him for a few. He was a great friend and talked often of friends and especially family, and how he cared for them and any troubles they were having. I took him to several other funerals we have had to attend of other Lowe's friends that had passed before. Never thought your time would be up so soon. Definitely will be missed by myself and his Lowe's family there.    
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